Wednesday 1 July 2009

Bloody Concrete!!

WHY, oh WHY does glass smash so effin easily??

I have one of those stupid iPhone things.. (I say stupid, but in reality, I actually couldn't live without it...) and I was out having a couple of bottles of EVIL vino with some friends, got a text, responded (in perfect spelling despite 3 bottles of wine... just to let you know that I wasn't paraletic at the time of droppage) went to put the phone back into my pocket and "BANG" phone hits the concrete floor.... CRACKED SCREEN!!

Oh. My. Gaww!!


So now, I have to go and grovel to the Apple folk tomorrow and see if they will fix it, or I will have to resort to "other methods" of getting said phone fixed!

Odd blog to start off with granted, but an important one, to all of those who have felt the GREAT PAIN of smashing a phone screen... the one good thing, is that I can still use the phone, despite it's ugliness... and I can still Facebook from it... Hurrah!!

I shall update on the situation of Project: Flirt With Apple to Fix Phone! (tears may be needed)

Till Next Time...
